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At SeeChange therapy I aim to foster an environment of genuine empathy and  support, where individuals feel valued and empowered to make the changes they wish to see in their lives.

Counsellors don't diagnose or label you, the priority is to listen and understand your story and experience, to work with you to explore the best ways to understand and resolve the issues you are facing.

Counselling can provide precious time where you are given the opportunity to be heard and respected and receive the focused attention of a caring and qualified professional.

I have found that there is a deceptive simplicity in counselling that allows the truth of an interaction to come into focus and make a profound difference to the life of both the client and often, the counsellor as well. It is a great privilege to  witness and travel with someone as they face their fears, dilemmas and challenges. 

Thank you for taking the time to consider sharing your journey with me.

​ Sky Buckman Dip. Prof. Couns. MACA MAIPC

Ethical Service

Code of conduct

Clients can be guaranteed appropriate standards of practice only by counsellors who abide by a Code of Conduct. All ACA registered counsellors must be trained and practice by the ACA Code of conduct, which includes client confidentiality.

As a client yuu should feel free to ask questions and clarify any concerns you have with the counsellor at the start of your relationship.

If you have any concerns about a counsellor's conduct you can call the Australian Counselling Association on 1300 784 333

Client's rights

  As a client you have the right to expect that:

  • you will be treated with dignity and respect

  • You will receive a clear explanation of the services provided

  • Your consent will be sought before service begins

  • You will receive competent and professional service

  • You will receive information about the nature and limits to confidentiality of the service

  • You will receive a clear statement about session length and fees

  • You wil have any questions answred in a clear and honest fashion

  • You will be shown respect for your cultural background and language tradition

  • You will receive a service free from sexual or other harassment or discrimination​

  • You will be given information on how to address concerns and complaints procedures

Session fees

Standard session fees:

Individual 1 hour: $120

Individual 1.5 hour: $150

Couples 1.5 hour: $160

Couples 1 hour: $130

Please note initial couples appointments will always be 1.5 hours due to the complex nature of the session, subsequent sessions may be 1 hour or longer depending on your individual needs.

Extended sessions are available on request.

Discounts apply for pension card holders.

Emotional freedom healing journey
Therapy journey path
SeeChange Vision

To provide a space of acceptance and understanding that facilitates personal growth and healing.


Sky Buckman- 

Diploma of Professional Counselling, Member of the Australian Counsellors Association and Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors

Marriage counselling Relationships
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